Wednesday, September 21, 2011

About AP World History Video

A few days ago, I watched a video on food by the BBC. Since it was by English people, it was vile in a few ways, which I will not state. The movie stated that if we didn't learn how to cook, we wouldn't survive. It was only about 2.6 million years ago, that we developed how to cook. It made raw food more hygenic and easier to chew. Since cooked food became easier to chew, humans didn't have to eat as much because the cooked meat contained many more calories than vegetables. It' s a little bit surpriing it took humans 3.4 million year to discover cooking since humans started to walk upright 6  million years ago, but the first true humans appeared only bout 1.8 million years ago. Before cooking, we only ate fruits and vegetables. Since we developed how to cook food, we can't go back to just eating fruits and vegetables because we will die. Due to eating cooked meat, it forced us to evolve into a further stageh. Our brains also started to develop after first eating cooked meat. But it isn't the fact food was cooked, but the fact about how the food was cooked. When the Austropithecus developed into the Homo Erectus, it lost the feeeling of being an ape. Not only that but the brain grew a staggering 30 percent from being an Austropithecus. With cooked food, we rea\lease more sugars and is better for our digestive system. Finally, the reason we crave fatty food is because it makes our brain work more.

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