Monday, January 23, 2012

Alexander the Great

Alexander was born in Pella, in the ancient Kingdom of Macedon, on the 6th day of Hekatombaion. (about the 21st of July). He was the son of Philip the II who was also a well known powerful king.
His father was assasinated in 336 B.C.E and Alexander the Great took over his position as king of Macedon. He built one of the most powerful armies to date. In 334 B.C.E, he invaded Asia-Minor, which was the start of the building of the empire. By 326 B.C.E, he had started the invasion of India, and that was as far as his empire got. He went back because his troops desired to go home after years of fighting. He died in 323 B.C.E in Babylon.
He was known to be one of the greatest kings of all time, leading his empire all the way to India from Macedon (the whole total area of the empire was 5.2 million kilometers). Most of his influence went towards the Roman Empire, with some leaders visiting his tomb, while also keeping pictures and othert items to treasure his rule.