Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Comparing Three Ancient Empires (Babylonians, Egyptians, and the Phoenicians

In terms of religion, all these empires believed in gods and godesses. In egypt, they had tombs with painting of that persons life. In Egypt, the wealthier you were, the better your afterlife was. THe Phoenicinas also believed in godesses, but adding to that, they used their babies as sacrifices to god. Finally, the Babylonians had gods and godesses, but their religious views were mostly around epics such as Gilgamesh.
In terms of writing, the Babylonians, and the Phoenicians were the first people to create a proper writing system. The Babylonians used cuneiform, and the Phoenicians writing is what looks similar to our writing today.
In terms of geography, all empires had their significant water system: The Babylonians having the Tigris and the Euphrates, the Egyptians having the Nile and the Meditteranean, and the Phoenicians having the Mediterranean too. Other than that, all the empires lied on a desert.
In agriculture, the Egyptians was most advanced because they used the Nile's annual flood with silt to irrigate their crops. The Babylonians had an advanced irrigation system which was in a way like the Egyptians. The Phoenicians didn't really have a significant agriculture system due to the fact they had the Meditteranean.
In Phoenicia, they used their daughters as prostitutes and sacrificed their babies to god. The Baylonians were among the first people to develop a proper law code, which was called the code of Hammurabi. The men were recognized as the people of the household. In Egypt, the people revolved around gods and goddesses, which people used them as rulers.When you would die in Egypt, you would have an afterlife if your heart weighed less than a feather. Also, when they would die, they would pull the brain out of the LEFT not right nostirl because of a religious belief.
Technology wise, all three empires developed a number of inventions. In Phoenicia, they invented ships for sailing, in Babylonia they invented a new agricultural system, writing, and temple like structures. Finally in Egypt, they invented new types of medicine, surgery, paper, and attendance records.
A\In terms of trade, the Babylonians travelled by the Tigris and Euphrates, and the other two empires travelled by the Meditteranean.
